Butyron is a sodium butyrate developed with a stabilization technology that allow to overcome the disadvantages and optimize its benefits.
Stabilized butyrates
High concentration
Butryon stabilization is composed of several layers of calcium salts, which allow an early and progressive release of butyrate throughout the gastrointestinal tract.
Butryon is effective in the upper gastrointestinal tract similar to uncoated products and retains distal release similar to encapsulated or esterified products (mono and tributyrins).
Odorless, easy to handle at the factory
Odorless, easy to handle at the factory, Butryon has a very high concentration of more than 60% sodium butyrate, which allows the use of reduced doses compared to other encapsulated products.

The stabilization technology coats the butyrate molecules with calcium salts in in multilayer form. The calcium salts will dissolve as Butryon moves through the gastrointestinal tract, gradually releasing sodium butyrate at different levels of the digestive system.

Butryon is released slowly and steadily from the upper gastrointestinal tract and also throughout the intestinal tract. Butryon provides the benefits of both uncoated and encapsulated butyrates.
Key benefits
- Directed and undirected release
- Improved stability
- Reduced odor and taste
- Less risk of irritation
- Improved handling and storage
- Improved palatability
- Best for young animals where lipase levels are low